Digital Wellbeing

With growing screen time this year, we want to help our community develop sustainable digital wellness habits. Over Christmas 2023, we ran a social media campaign “12 Days of Digital Wellbeing” providing tips on setting boundaries and managing distractions when working remotely, guidance on reducing device addiction, social media overload, and burnout.

Our goal is to foster healthy relationships with technology so it can enhance rather than hinder our well-being. Read on for a summary of the tips we shared over Christmas 2023!

12 Days of Digital Wellbeing Tips

  1. Disconnect & Detox: Rediscover the joy of offline activities. Pursue hobbies and interests that allow you to disconnect from technology and engage in fulfilling pursuits.

  2. Manage Your Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine. Meditation can help you focus on the present moment and ease digital fatigue and stress.

  3. Nature’s Narrative: Take a break from the digital world and reconnect with the real one.

  4. Buy a Book: Nourish your mind with activities that don't involve screens.

  5. Distance Yourself from Distraction: Set boundaries for your digital life. Don't let your devices control your time.

  6. Unwelcome? Unfollow: Curate your online experience. Choose to see content that inspires and motivates you.

  7. Positive Positioning: Embrace self-acceptance and body positivity. Don't compare yourself to others online.

  8. Journaling Journey: Take time for digital reflection. Are you using technology in a way that supports your well-being?

  9. Unplug and Unwind: Embrace digital disconnection. Sometimes, the best way to connect is to unplug.

  10. Festive Friends: Nurture real-life connections and prioritise face-to-face time with loved ones these holidays.

  11. Device + Downtime = Dreams: Prioritise your sleep! Avoid screen time and blue light before bed for a restful night's sleep.

  12. Digital Diligence: Avoid doom scrolling and use technology for good. Let it empower you to be creative and productive.


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