Our Digital Literacy Assessment

Are you looking to assess digital capability in your workforce, ascertain the digital literacy levels of your students or simply determine the digital literacy needs of your local community group?

Our Digital Capability and Skills Evaluation (D-CASE) tool provides you with a means to conduct a diagnostic assessment and determine next steps in addressing the digital literacy skills gap.

What is the Digital Capability and Skills Evaluation tool?

The Digital Capability and Skills Evaluation Tool comprises a series of practical, scenario-based questions designed to assess the level of digital capability held by learners, workers or members of the community.

On-screen assessment

Australian Digital Capability Framework

The Digital Capability and Skills Evaluation Tool is based on the five focus areas of the Australian Digital Capability Framework (ADCF):

  • Focus Area 1: Information and Data Literacy

  • Focus Area 2: Communication and Collaboration

  • Focus Area 3: Digital Content Creation

  • Focus Area 4: Protection and Safety

  • Focus Area 5: Technical Proficiency and Problem-Solving

The D-Case is the result of a comprehensive analysis of the ADCF, resulting in questions targeted at Foundation Level 2 (Perform at a basic level with autonomy and some guidance) and Intermediate Level 3 (Autonomously solve simple problems).

Who is this assessment for?

  • Work


    Assess and determine digital literacy gaps in your workforce with our assessment tool, providing guidance on custom learning pathways.

  • Education


    Assess the standard of student’s digital literacy prior to entry to a course to determine support needs and suitability for the program.

  • Community


    1 in 4 Australians are digitally excluded. Diagnosing gaps helps to determine where to start with upskilling and addressing digital inclusion.

Are you ready to test your digital capability?