Frequently Asked Questions
The acronym DLL stands for Digital Literacy Licence.
The DLL is a set of micro-credentials, or short courses, that equips participants with digital literacy skills. The program is mapped to the following frameworks:
Australian Digital Capability Framework
Australian Digital Literacy Skills Framework
Australian Curriculum 9.0 General Capabilities - Digital Literacy
Why would I want the DLL?
The Digital Literacy Licence provides digital skills fundamentals to be applied across all industry areas and various parts of life.
We live in a digital era, supported by diverse technologies that are continually updating. Having digital skills that go beyond basic information technology is, therefore, crucial. We are savvy with our laptops and smartphones, yet most of us have had to learn on the go. As a result, there remains a lack of understanding of technology's mechanics and how to use it effectively and safely.
For many years, it has been argued that digital literacy skills are embedded in teaching other subject areas. However, the educators delivering these subjects themselves often lack digital literacy skills. Consequently, the students do not develop the foundational level of knowledge needed. Students are also undertaking tasks using digital devices and accessing the internet without understanding basics such as making sure their WiFi connection is safe, understanding the role of netiquette and correct data management processes.
The DLL provides these foundational digital literacy core skills.
Who is the DLL designed for?
The DLL is designed for anyone who wants to be more confident in how they utilise digital technology in their work, education and everyday lives. It is particularly relevant for:
Schools (teachers and students);
Registered Training Organisations (students and trainers);
Universities (students and academic staff);
Job seekers;
Long-term unemployed;
People looking to upskill for changing job roles;
Workers who have been impacted in the workplace by the introduction of digital tools; and
Older generations who want to be more confident using digital tools.
What do I get at the end of the DLL?
The DLL is a suite of micro-credentials issued as digital badges when you complete each level.
You can add these digital badges to your resume or professional profile, validating you as having digital literacy knowledge and skills.
With over 82% of employers requiring some digital skills for their jobs, having the DLL could mean the point of difference you can make in a competitive job market.
Is there anything else out there like the DLL?
There is currently nothing out there like the DLL!
Several programs are available online to help with digital literacy skills or online safety. However, these are not usually provided in a holistic and planned manner to address the skills outlined in the Australian Digital Literacy Skills Framework (DLSF) and the Australian Digital Capability Framework (ADCF).
Some providers used ICT10115 Certificate I in Information, Digital Media and Technology to address entry-level digital skills. However, this has been removed as an option from the national training register. Instead, students will be required to undertake a Certificate II qualification, which does not address foundational level digital literacy skills as outlined in the DLSF document.
How much does the DLL cost?
Pricing is on a sliding scale depending on whether you’re an individual or an organisation. We can bundle enrolments for institutions at a scaled price. Contact us for more information!
Where can I buy the DLL?
As an individual, you will be able to buy the DLL straight from our website.
If you’re an organisation, contact us to set up your account. We will take you through an onboarding program to make sure you can manage your participants at an organisational level.
Is the DLL self-paced?
Yes, the DLL is self-paced and caters for different learning styles and needs.
We are also able to provide ‘deployment workshops’ where we run sessions of approximately 2 hours with groups of 30-40 participants to assist them in using a device to get started. There are also options for online check-in and Q&A sessions.
Who developed the DLL?
VETNexus has developed the DLL, a Brisbane-based education consulting company with expertise in delivering digital solutions. Our team has extensive experience across the schooling and vocational education and training sectors, with a passion and love for innovative digital learning practices.
We specialise in assisting organisations in taking their online educational programs to the next level utilising methods and tools to increase engagement. VETNexus has an extensive client base and network across Australia and internationally.
Is the DLL accredited/recognised?
The DLL is not part of a nationally accredited qualification. It is an industry-recognised micro-credential.
Can’t I just Google the same content?
You could conduct a Google search or ask ChatGPT or another AI tool about the same concepts covered within the DLL, and there are fantastic videos on YouTube. However, you have to know what to search or ask about, and you would also need to consider the pre-requisite knowledge you need before moving on to another concept. You can very quickly end up down a rabbit hole spending lots of unecessary time looking for the same information that we present in a logical, structured manner in a way that breaks down concepts that you can then further explore online if you wish to. Our goal is to give you the underlying digital literacy to be able to go and find out more on your own and know the questions to be asking.
I am hearing-impaired, will I be able to access the materials?
Yes, all our videos have closed captions and downloadable transcripts are available for audio files. We aim for A and AA compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.
Are the DLL courses mapped to or aligned with any national or global digital literacy frameworks?
Yes! The student program is aligned with the Australian Digital Literacy Skills Framework, which forms part of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) and the Australian Digital Capability Framework (ADCF). Australia does not yet have a framework for the digital skills of teachers, therefore the Educator Capability Program is aligned with a UK educator framework.
Will I get perpetual access to the content in the DLL platform after I have completed a course?
Due to licencing of the online platform being paid as an annual subscription, access to the learning materials will only be available while the subscription fee is being maintained. Your initial fee provides 12 months of access, and we will soon be launching our maintenance subscription which provides a means of keeping up to date with changes in the digital landscape.