Are Face-to-Face Events Still Relevant in a Digital World?

The COVID pandemic forced everyone to transition to digital events, causing many people to consider whether physical events are still relevant in the digital world. While online events have offered savings in time and money, they have also caused us to miss out on invaluable moments of social interaction that are often found at face-to-face events. Will we see a return to physical conferences and workshops in 2023? Let’s take a closer look.

The Impacts of Social Interaction

When you attend an event in person, you can engage with other attendees and make lasting connections that could potentially benefit your career or business. You’re able to ask questions directly to the speaker or facilitator which would be difficult or impossible through an online event. In addition, you can break away from the event schedule and connect with people you meet during lunchtime or other breaks, discussing topics that may not be related directly to the professional development event but could still provide valuable insight into other areas of life.

It’s also important to recognise that attending an event in person provides tangible evidence of your commitment. You had to show up on time, dress appropriately and actively participate throughout the day – all things which cannot be done through an online event as easily as it is done for a physical one. This dedication communicates your passion for learning and professional development - something that will create a positive reputation among colleagues and peers alike.

The Benefits of Online Events

Online events do offer some advantages over their physical counterparts – especially when it comes down to cost savings from travel expenses such as flights, accommodation, etc., as well as time saved from not having to commute each day for the duration of the conference or workshop. Furthermore, online events allow for greater accessibility; anyone who has access to technology can join these digital activities regardless of location or disability status – something that is incredibly valuable during this current climate when we must all practice social distancing protocols.


Ultimately, there are benefits associated with both physical and virtual events when it comes down to professional development opportunities; however, there is no denying that face-to-face meetings promote moments of social interaction that cannot be replicated through any digital platform – regardless of how advanced technology may become over the years ahead. As we move closer towards 2023 and beyond, it will be interesting to see how organisations continue balancing cost savings with personal growth experiences provided by professional development events – both physical and virtual alike!

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