2023 - The Year to Close the Digital Divide in Australia

With the rise of 5G networks and the prevalence of digital technologies, it's becoming increasingly clear how important connectivity is in our modern world. Having access to a reliable network connection can mean all the difference when it comes to job opportunities, education resources and overall quality of life - yet for millions of Australians, this privilege is still out of reach. The challenge now lies in bridging this digital divide between those with access and those without – but that’s where Australia’s clever technology solutions come into play. This blog post will explore why closing the gap between connected and disconnected Aussies matters, along with showing employers, educators and everyday citizens how they can make an effective contribution towards doing so.

Australians need access to a reliable network connection

The digital economy is changing the way that Australians live and work. A reliable network connection is essential for participating in the digital economy. This means that Australians need access to a fast, reliable network connection in order to take advantage of the opportunities that the digital economy offers.

A recent study by Deloitte found that the average Australian household spends more than $4,000 per year on goods and services that are available only online. This includes items such as entertainment, travel, food and clothing. The study also found that more than 60% of Australian households have made at least one purchase online in the past month.

Australians need a reliable network connection in order to participate in the digital economy as it is changing the way we live and work. This is because a reliable network connection allows Australians to shop online, work online and stay connected with friends and family.

The digital divide is growing larger every day

People who have access to technology, such as the internet, smartphones, and tablets, are able to use it for a variety of purposes, such as communicating with others, obtaining information, and conducting business. However, people who do not have access to technology are at a disadvantage because they are unable to participate in the digital world. This can have a negative impact on their education, employment opportunities, and quality of life.

There are many reasons why people may not have access to technology. For example, they may not be able to afford it or they may not live in an area where it is available. Additionally, some people may not have the skills needed to use technology. This can be a barrier for them when it comes to finding employment or continuing their education.

Technology is evolving rapidly and those who do not have access to it are at a disadvantage. It is important that we work to close the digital divide so that everyone has an opportunity to benefit from the advances in technology.

Closing the gap is essential for social and economic progress

In order for social and economic progress to be made in Australia, it is essential to close the gap between connected and disconnected Aussies. With the divide growing larger every day, those who are connected enjoy opportunities and advantages that those who are disconnected simply don’t have.

There are a number of reasons for this divide. One of the biggest reasons is that those who are connected have access to technology, which gives them access to information, jobs, education, and a host of other opportunities. They can also connect with others all over the world, which helps them to build networks and connections that can be extremely beneficial.

Those who are disconnected often don’t have access to the same level of technology or information. They may not have internet access or even a computer. They also may not have the same opportunities when it comes to jobs or education. This means that they are at a disadvantage when it comes to competing in today’s economy.

There are a number of ways to close the gap between connected and disconnected Aussies. One way is to provide more access to technology and information for those who are disconnected. This could involve governments and councils providing more computers and internet access in public places such as libraries or community centres, as well as making sure that everyone has access to essential information like healthcare, education, and job opportunities. 

Another way to close the gap is by providing more opportunities for those who are disconnected. This could involve creating programs that help them gain access to education and training, as well as job placement services. It’s also important to create policies that make it easier for them to find jobs once they have been trained.

By providing more access to technology and information, as well as creating more opportunities, we can help those who are disconnected catch up with those who are already ahead. This will benefit everyone in Australia in the long run.

There are many ways for employers, educators and everyday citizens to help close the digital divide in Australia through programs such as donating your excess data through Optus and The Smith Family. This program allows anyone who is an Optus customer to donate unused data each month that can be used by students who don't have internet access at home. Employers can also provide training to their employees on how to use technology, including how to use computers, the internet and social media. This training can help employees feel more comfortable using technology and help them stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

For educators, there are also a number of ways to help close the digital divide. One way is to provide training to educators on how to use technology in the classroom. This training can help educators feel more comfortable using technology and help them stay up-to-date with the latest trends. Schools and other educational institutions, such as RTOs, can also then provide students with access to laptops or tablets so they can complete work at home. This can be especially helpful for students who don't have internet access at home.

For everyday people in the community, they can help by volunteering their time to help organisations set up community computer labs or teach classes on how to use technology like those offered by Brisbane City Council. Volunteering your time is a great way to learn new skills and meet new people.

Working together, we can create a more connected Australia

Australia is a digitally connected country. We are one of the most connected countries in the world, with over 90% of the population having internet access. However, there are still many people who are not able to fully participate in the digital world. This is due to a lack of digital literacy skills, which can prevent people from accessing important information and services.

One way to help bridge this gap is through programs such as The Digital Literacy Licence. This structured program provides access to online courses that teach people the basics of using technology in a way to build transferrable digital literacy. It also helps people to develop the skills they need to be safe and responsible online users.


In order to participate in the digital economy, Australians need access to a reliable network connection. The digital divide between those with and without access is growing larger every day. Closing the gap between connected and disconnected Aussies is essential for social and economic progress. There are many ways for employers, educators, and everyday citizens to help close the digital divide. By working together, we can create a more connected Australia for all.

Read more here about how Digital Literacy Licence can help bridge the digital divide in Australia.


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