Blog and tips.
We offer a wide array of resources to support your implementation and understanding of Digital Literacy within your institution.
Are Face-to-Face Events Still Relevant in a Digital World?
The COVID pandemic forced everyone to transition to digital events, causing many people to consider whether physical events are still relevant in the digital world. While online events have offered savings in time and money, they have also caused us to miss out on invaluable moments of social interaction that are often found at face-to-face events. Will we see a return to physical conferences and workshops in 2023? Let’s take a closer look.
The Truth About Fake News
While you may think of Donald Trump and his love of the term “Fake News”, this is not a new term. However, it is becoming harder to determine when something is, in fact, fake news. Why you ask? Technology is making it easy for content to be created from virtually nothing of real substance. Couple this with the reach and viral nature of social media and such fake news can spread like wildfire.
Are your teaching materials holding your students back?
You’ve spent HOURS and HOURS designing your newest PowerPoint presentation for your upcoming lesson. You’ve tried to include all the bells and whistles in your presentation. Whizz bang animations and transitions, videos, photos, illustrations and graphs. You’ve packed it all in there – what a resource!!! Or is it?
Have you been hacked?
Cyber security is not just about big business or people who work in the IT industry. It is also about each individual person knowing how to keep their own information safe. It is very timely that Cyber Awareness month is October, and in 2022 the overarching theme is ‘Have you been hacked?’.
Academic Referencing Made Easy!
Referencing is an information literacy skill that can be made easier through the use of technology. This article explains how.
The Importance of Digital Literacy
As we live in a digital society we need to consider how we educate our young people to embrace technology in their everyday lives in a positive and safe manner.
Applying Alt-Text to Images
This article takes you through the process of applying alt-text in some common software applications.
What the alt is “Alt-Text”?
Alternative text, or alt-text, provides access to content for visually impaired persons. It also serves the purpose of accessing content when there is low bandwidth or system memory. This article explores the basics of alt-text.
The Importance of Closed Captions for Learning Videos
The most well-known form of accessible content is the use of Closed Captions on video content. However, there is a fair amount of misunderstanding when it comes to knowing exactly what Closed Captions are.
A Story of Digital Change
Have you ever really stopped to think how much our vocabulary has changed over the past 25 years? We have words and phrases now that meant nothing in the 90s.